Words by a Famous BOLLYWOOD actor.

So, it is True then? Does all the food we eat after sunset gets stored as fats??

Truth revealed, neither does eating late night causes you to gain weight, nor does eating Carbs post sunset does.

There have been Multiple studies done comparing different eating times to see which resulted in the greatest weight gain/fat loss.

You know what, all the studies have found that weight loss is the same is people who finish their meal early (before sunset), but they have also found the same thing in late night eaters as well!

The only factor that matters for weight Gain or fat loss is energy balance. If you're consuming more calories than your body needs and is burning, you will gain weight. If you're eating less calories than your body needs you will lose weight.

So to conclude,
if eating late evening works and fit's the best to your routine, then stick with it. The most important thing is to enjoy the process and make the plan as sustainable for you to stick with it, and adapt it as a lifestyle.

Everything always comes back to the individual. You have to experiment and test to find out what approach is best for you.

If you think you need support and guidance to adapt to a healthy lifestyle then look no further. Sign up for the 12 week Coaching program and I will personally design a Meal and Workout plan that fits the best of your needs.



To Lose weight cut off all Bread from your Diet" You have heard this before right? But is Bread really the Villain?

But then "Bread contain gluten and it is definitely bad for you!"

Bread makes you fat?

Multigrain Bread or Wheat bread is healthier than white bread?

The answers to all of these questions are relatively simple.

OVEREATING MAKES YOU FAT. Carbs of bread don't. Gluten isn't necessarily bad for you. For some people who are actually gluten sensitive, it definitely can be. BUT for many their sensitivity may be caused by other factors than gluten.

Multigrain bread has a bit more protein and fiber than White bread, so I personally prefer it and it taste good as well.

But bread can't fulfill your fiber requirement, for that eat vegies and fruits. So the difference in fiber content in white and wheat bread is unimportant in its actual nutritional impact.


If you're gluten intolerant, than avoiding bread isn't a bad idea. However you may actually be intolerant to something else in bread, not necessarily gluten.

Bread will not make you fat, regardless if it is white or whole wheat. Consistently overeating any combination of foods (including bread) will.

The difference between white and whole wheat bread is almost negligible Neither are that high in nutrients or fiber, and you should be getting those from fruits and vegetables anyways.

Eat the one you enjoy the most, if your intolerant don't, and focus on eating more fruits and vegetable to get the nutrients and fiber you need everyday.

Know someone who needs to read this? Tag them in comments to send them here.



What is the best muscle building supplement?

There are plenty of supplements out there that say they will help you build muscle, but most are a waste of money.

This is not only one of the cheapest, but also the MOST EFFECTIVE supplement for building muscle that you can get.

If you want to take a supplement that does what it says, and actually helps you to build more muscle and strength in the gym, this is the supplement for you.

Creatine is currently the most researched and scientifically backed supplement on the market today. Studies have shown that creatine significantly increases power output, muscular hypertrophy (due to retained water in muscles) and strength.

These attributes over time can help you build more muscle and retain more lean body mass during a cut!

There are plenty of variations of creatine but you want creatine monohydrate, the one backed by all the research and happens to be the cheapest and most effective.

Simply start taking 5g a day while drinking plenty of water (at least half your body weight in ounces) to ensure that you are adequately hydrated, since creatine causes water retention in the muscles (a good thing!)

You can use an initial loading phase of 20g a day for 4-5 days to saturate your muscles with creatine, than switching to a 5g maintenance dose after that. This may get your muscles saturated with creatine faster, but if you can simply start with the 5g dose a day to start.

There is no need to cycle creatine and I have used for a few years straight now with no ill side effects.

Current research shows that creatine is safe for most individuals to use, as long as they don't have a pre-determined kidney or liver issue. For general population it is safe to use as directed.



After you made some newbie gains in the first few months of lifting, did you suddenly plateau?.

You may have plateaued 6 months or so after you started lifting. Many stay stuck for months or even years! This leaves you…

  • Feeling frustrated and confused
  • Feeling like nothing will work
  • Looking soft and feeble in the mirror

The truth is, all you need is more advanced programming!

The principle of progressive overload tells us our bodies adapt to the stimulus (lifting weights). Then we have to increase demands on our body.

Since studies like Schoenfeld, 2019 suggest increasing volume results in greater muscle growth, you should strive to lift more volume over time [1]. One way to do this is do more sets every phase of training.

You may start with 12 sets per week for most muscles for 4-6 weeks. Then you do do 15 sets/week in Phase 2, and so on. Once you reach your max recoverable volume, you can "re-set" in the next phase back to 12 sets…but with heavier weight!

Over time, you’ll be lifting more sets and lifting heavier weight to keep you progressing.

If you want a plan to get past the newbie gains, Drop email to


Protein Supplements by

It is commonly believed that protein supplements are required to build muscle. People believe that now that they're on a weight training plan, they need to go out and buy some protein powder and a blender bottle to go along with their program. This is NOT the case.

Protein supplements act as a dietary supplement for insufficient protein intake. Meaning, if you are struggling to consume enough protein through your regular diet, protein supplements are used to help fill in the gap by adding more protein to your diet. That's it. Plain and simple.

Now, while they may not be magical or required, they can certainly be beneficial. As a fitness professional, tons of my clients struggle to consume enough protein in a day. People just aren't into slamming chicken breasts and tuna all day long. Not to mention, people are busy, where do you get the time to sit down and eat a good meal several times a day? This is why I recommend protein supplements because it is a quick and efficient way to add more protein into your day to help you reach your daily protein goal (which we know is crucial to any fitness goal).

P.S - if you notice that you're struggling to consume enough protein right now through your regular diet. head over to WWW.GUARDIAN.IN AND USE THE DISCOUNT CODE 'AFF-PRAVIN' TO GET 5% OFF YOUR ORDER.

Disclaimer: The plans and programs listed on the website are created to guide and help you achieve your fitness goals. You should always consult a medical doctor/physician before undertaking any nutrition and training program. At Crunches and Curves, we try our best by putting every effort to make sure we provide the services and products represented.The coaches use their expert knowledge earned through hours of certified courses and practical experience to design the best possible programs for you which will help you to achieve your fitness goals. The testimonials and results you see are examples used to represent our achievements and work and in no way are intended to guarantee you or anyone the same or similar results. Results vary from individual and are affected by various factors like your efforts, level of commitment, and body type. Use of our information, products, And services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not responsible for any success or failure that is directly or indirectly related to and use of our information, products, and services.

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