Body toning workout plan at home

20 Dec 2022

What are body toning workouts?

Body toning workouts are typically intense exercises that combine various muscle groups to get your body toned and muscular. Body toning workouts can be done even by beginners, and provide a multitude of benefits including:

1. Improved coordination: Fitness training hinges on having great coordination of your muscles, and body toning workouts are designed to hone this skill. Fitness training hinges on having great coordination of your muscles and body-toning workouts are designed to hone this skill. Improved strength: The more muscle you have, the stronger your body is overall. Body toning workouts help you build muscle mass by working out your entire body without overworking any specific muscle group.

2. Improved cardiovascular: Exercising your body is great for cardiovascular health. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you'll burn even when you're taking it easy. Body toning workouts are great for cardiovascular health because they focus on the entire body. Improved balance: Body toning workouts help you to become more balanced by working out all of your muscles. If you have good balance, it can help prevent injuries in intense situations like sports and exercise.

3. Improved posture: Having a strong core and a good posture can make a huge difference in how you look and feel while exercising or even just standing up straight! It can also help prevent back pain, making it an important part of your workouts to incorporate perfect posture during these exercises.

4. Improved energy: If you have a good metabolism and feel energized while working out, that means that you'll be able to do more of the workout time. Body toning workouts are designed to increase your metabolism and make you feel energized.

5. Improved mental focus: the right amount of exercise can help improve your focus and concentration so you can complete the workout without getting distracted by outside factors such as stress. One of the most important benefits that body toning workouts offer is improved mental focus. The right amount of exercise can help improve your focus and concentration so you can complete the workout without getting distracted by outside factors such as stress.

What you'll need to start your home workout plan

Once you have your body toning workout plan ready, the following items will come in handy as you follow through with your program:

  • Resistance bands and tubing are used to help maintain an optimal level of resistance while working out. These can be found online or at a local sporting goods store.
  • A comfortable pair of shorts or pants will be necessary for exercising without sweatpants or gym clothes. Preparing for exercise can be a bit embarrassing, so choose clothing that fits appropriately.
  • Dumbell weights can be used with your resistance bands or tubing to add additional resistance. Dumbell weights can also be found at a sporting goods store or online.
  • A yoga mat can be used for exercising in the comfort of your home. Yoga mats are typically inexpensive and provide a soft surface for you to exercise on. They're also easy to clean and store away when not in use!
  •  A measuring tape is great for measuring your waist, hips, thighs, and upper arms. It will come in handy when you are following along with the body toning workout plan.
  •  An exercise mat will be necessary if you intend to do these exercises on a hard floor. If using an exercise mat, ensure that it is spread out completely before beginning your workout to prevent injuries or falls that could jeopardize your progress.

How to follow the body toning workout plan at home?

Your body toning workout plan at home can be performed four times each week for the best results. Follow this plan to ensure that you are getting the best outcomes possible!

  • Frequency: 4 times per week for best results.
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes for each session. Begin with a 20-minute warm-up and 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. Follow this with 15-30 minutes of body toning exercises and 15-20 minutes of cardio exercises. Finish with 5 minutes of stretching before resting and cooling down.

Best body shaping exercises and Body toning workout plan at home

Day 1:

  • Warmup: 5 minutes
  • Workout: AMRAP in 20 minutes

Body toning exercises:

1. Burpees (10 reps):

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat and put your hands on the floor in front of you. Jump your feet back so you're standing upright, while also putting your hands on the floor behind you. This is your starting position. Bend down and put both of your hands on the floor in front of you again. Then jump back up to a standing position by putting your hands on the floor behind you. This completes one rep of burpees!

2. Push-ups (15 reps):

Stand with your feet hip-width distance apart and toes facing forward, keeping a straight line from head to knees. Raise your body by bending your elbows and lower your body down by straightening your arms. This completes one push-up.

3. Squats (10 reps):

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you. You should also bend at the knees and hips to keep a straight line from head to heels during this workout. This is one squat!

4. Lunges (15 reps):

Stand with a spread foot stance, with one leg leading forward in front of you and the other leg trailing behind you so that when you're standing tall, both feet are together. Bend at your knees and hips to lower your body while keeping a straight line from head to heels during this workout. You should also bend your wrist and curl your fingers so that you can maintain strength in your wrists throughout the workout. This is one rep of lunges!

5. Plank (3 minutes):

Lie flat on the floor with both arms extended over your head, palms down and elbows bent. Engage your abdominal muscles and hold a straight line from head to heels, keeping each shoulder relaxed and up with the floor on either side of you. Keep both legs flexed at the knee and lengthen at the ankle for support as well. This position is known as a plank!

6. Side planks (15 reps):

While in the plank position, reach one arm up and down over your body for 10 counts. Then turn on the opposite side and do the same.

Day 2:

  • Warmup: 10 minutes
  • Workout: AMRAP in 20 minutes

Body toning exercises:

1. Running on the spot with high knees (100 reps): Start running in place, but without letting your knees come off the ground. Lift your knees slightly off the ground and land with high knees so that your feet stay flat. Run in place while alternating between running forward and backward, left to right, pushing out through the middle of your body like you're doing a bicep curl. This is one rep of running on the spot!

2. Bicycle crunches (80 secs):

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.

Lift your lower body by engaging your abdominal muscles and bending at the elbow and knees to bring your legs up. You mustn't raise your back off the floor during this workout!

3. Sumo squats (40 reps):

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and place your hands on the floor in front of you. You mustn't let your knees come past your toes during this workout! Stand up by straightening your legs, pushing through the heels, and keeping a straight line from head to knees.

4. Russian twists (50 reps):

Sit on the floor with one arm behind you supporting you, while the other arm is extended in a curl, with a dumbell attached to the end of it if possible. Turn 45 degrees, twisting toward that side and keeping your core tight.

5. Supermans (60 reps):

Lying on your stomach, extend your hands in front of you and also lift your legs off the ground a few inches. Both arms and legs must remain straight during this workout!

6. Butt kicks (1 min):

While standing, swing one leg up as high as possible and then back down as low as possible without letting it rest on the floor. Do this rapidly for 60 seconds without stopping to keep your heart rate up!

Day 3:

  • Warmup: 10 minutes
  • Cardio: Run

On the third day, you will only do running. You can also do jumping jacks, skipping, or jumping rope. Exercise for 30 minutes at an easy pace.

Day 4:

  • Warmup: 8 minutes
  • Workout: AMRAP in 20 minutes

Body toning exercises:

1. Glute bridges (50 reps): Lie on your back with both legs extended straight in front of you. Engage your abdominal muscles and lift both legs off the ground just a few inches. Keeping your back flat on the floor, contract your buttocks to raise them straight up off the ground as high as possible. Lower them to the starting position by letting go of the breath and straightening out your legs. This is one rep!

2. Kneeling press-ups (50 reps):

With your hands flat on the floor, kneel and place your knees and hands together. Keep your head tucked in and perform this exercise to work out the triceps and abs!

3. Jumping jacks (1 min):

Jumping jacks are a great way to increase strength, speed, flexibility, and coordination. You must do this exercise for one minute non-stop to get the best results!

4. Sumo squats (50 reps): Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend down and place your hands on the floor in front of you. You mustn't let your knees come past your toes during this workout! Stand up by straightening out your legs, pushing out through the heels, and keeping a straight line from head to knees.

5. Burpees (50 reps):

Stand with a spread foot stance and one foot in front of you, which should be about a hip-width distance away from you. Bend at the knees and hips to lower down while keeping a straight line from head to heels during this workout.

Expert tips from personal fitness trainers

When going on a journey to lose weight and develop a strong, toned body, it's important to note that you should always consult a doctor first. Finding the right nutrition plan for your lifestyle is crucial to maintaining good health while losing weight.

It is also important to remember to give yourself enough rest during this journey especially since you may still be working or going to school or even studying! When we exercise, our body needs time to recover and repair itself so that we can work out again. It's just like going for a long drive. You need time to rest your body and repair it so you can continue driving.

Incorporating a well-balanced diet is also key to weight loss. You should eat high-fiber food, along with lean proteins such as fish, chicken, and eggs, and have some healthy fats like olive oil. Sugar and saturated fats are not conducive to a healthy heart. You should also drink lots of water because it helps cleanse your body of toxins!

You may also find that you need to work through some inner struggles if you can. Do not let them stop you from getting healthy. Sometimes we need to face what is happening so that we can take control of it. We cannot always control everything, but we can control how we feel about it!

You must know your body so that you can make the most informed decision possible when planning out your exercise program. If you have any questions, ask your doctor, dietitian, or personal trainer.

If you begin to feel bored with your workouts, it's probably a good idea to try something new. It could be that you are not getting the right diet, or maybe you're exercising too much. Maybe your body is just not used to exercising and needs a little time to get used to it. Be patient as you push yourself harder and see the results!

When designing an exercise program, one major mistake most people make is working out too long with too little break in between sets. You must give your muscles time to repair themselves before subjecting them to more stress by adding more weight or extra repetitions.


If you need to lose weight and get fit fast, then this workout plan is for you! You will see some great results if you stick to this program for 2-3 weeks. Embrace the challenge and enjoy your new body after a few short weeks!

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7 Comment(s)

Rvisbhgycmncndbe 24 Dec 2022


Yrvajdjmishdtvbu 24 Dec 2022


Sqsqcomokwi 23 Apr 2024


Sqsqcomokwi 23 Apr 2024


Zalbotyj 28 Jun 2024


Katana 14 Feb 2025


Katana 14 Feb 2025


Disclaimer: The plans and programs listed on the website are created to guide and help you achieve your fitness goals. You should always consult a medical doctor/physician before undertaking any nutrition and training program. At Crunches and Curves, we try our best by putting every effort to make sure we provide the services and products represented.The coaches use their expert knowledge earned through hours of certified courses and practical experience to design the best possible programs for you which will help you to achieve your fitness goals. The testimonials and results you see are examples used to represent our achievements and work and in no way are intended to guarantee you or anyone the same or similar results. Results vary from individual and are affected by various factors like your efforts, level of commitment, and body type. Use of our information, products, And services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not responsible for any success or failure that is directly or indirectly related to and use of our information, products, and services.

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