16 Dec 2021
Received this email earlier this week, thought I should share this.
Dear Pravin,
I am not able to follow the plan due to the current situation as we all are quarantine and the meal is prepared for the entire family and the grocery stores do not have all the food available all the time.
Will be great if we can pause the plan for a few weeks or please provide me with a plan that fits all the delicious meal food prepared at my home.
A Frustrated Fitness Freak
- Hmm….
So, I am sure this is the situation similar to many of you now so does this mean that following a diet while staying with family is not possible while we are quarantine????
- At this time, we should be more focused on staying fit and healthy and have a balance of family bond and relationships a well. I am facing the same situation, Here are some tricks which help me to balance things out and stay fit as well during this Quarantine time.
Have a meal with your family, have what is cooked for everyone. Have this in moderation. Plan your meals in such a way that you have some extra calories left to make space for the delicious meals your Mom / wife prepares for the family.
Since we all have ample of time on our hands now, why not help your family in preparing the meals, this will also encourage them to help you prepare you healthy meals. Who knows you might learn a few secrets to make the eating healthy tastier as well.
Communicate the importance of a healthy lifestyle, very often they are surrounded by myths and clearing them might help you and encourage family to change the way they eat. This will create a much easier environment where everyone checks one another and eat + stays healthy.
While doing these do work but take a little time, you can try what I do:
Reserve a space for food items in the Refrigerator.
Stay firm and disciplined
DO not burden yourself with guilt for over 2 cookies or 2 purl’s
Remember, in the Long run if you are eating healthy then just a few days of slip ups will not stop your progress. Just make sure you do not over eat and are mindful, practice portion control all the times.
Disclaimer: The plans and programs listed on the website are created to guide and help you achieve your fitness goals. You should always consult a medical doctor/physician before undertaking any nutrition and training program. At Crunches and Curves, we try our best by putting every effort to make sure we provide the services and products represented.The coaches use their expert knowledge earned through hours of certified courses and practical experience to design the best possible programs for you which will help you to achieve your fitness goals. The testimonials and results you see are examples used to represent our achievements and work and in no way are intended to guarantee you or anyone the same or similar results. Results vary from individual and are affected by various factors like your efforts, level of commitment, and body type. Use of our information, products, And services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not responsible for any success or failure that is directly or indirectly related to and use of our information, products, and services.
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