16 Dec 2021
Do you find yourself in a similar situation more often than not? At first, why did it happen⁉️ may be you were travelling or on a holiday and just took few days off from your routine or maybe it was your best friend's wedding and the celebration went on for entire week or was it for your birthday ‼️
Either way you do not need to feel guilty or as many do punish yourself by starving for next 2-3days to make up for it or to put a massive restriction on your calorie intake. These practices will only end up in building a unhealthy relationship with food
Neither do you need to do extra workout or cardio and spend more time at the gym than usual. This will again end up doing more harm and hamper your recovery and progress or you will also end up being insanely sore..
The best way is to fall back immediately into your normal routine, get right back on track. No need to do anything different and specially no need to punish yourself for what you eat and did. It's all in the past now and cannot be changed. So take the best step moving ahead and get right back on track.
Disclaimer: The plans and programs listed on the website are created to guide and help you achieve your fitness goals. You should always consult a medical doctor/physician before undertaking any nutrition and training program. At Crunches and Curves, we try our best by putting every effort to make sure we provide the services and products represented.The coaches use their expert knowledge earned through hours of certified courses and practical experience to design the best possible programs for you which will help you to achieve your fitness goals. The testimonials and results you see are examples used to represent our achievements and work and in no way are intended to guarantee you or anyone the same or similar results. Results vary from individual and are affected by various factors like your efforts, level of commitment, and body type. Use of our information, products, And services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not responsible for any success or failure that is directly or indirectly related to and use of our information, products, and services.
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